Satin Stitch
You can outline your area first with back stitches. Next fill in the area with straight stitches that lie next to each other but do not overlap them. The stitches can go in any direction. A majority of techniques use a satin stitch. Keep your threads lying neatly next to each other.
Padded Satin Stitch
(fig. 1) You can outline your area first with back stitches. (fig. 2) Next fill in the area with straight stitches that do not quite reach the edge. These stitches should be perpendicular to the direction of your final stitches. (fig. 3) Now stitch to the edges over the top of the previous layer. Your stitches should lie next to each other filling in the space but not overlapping.
A padded satin stitch can be done with a foundation of satin stitching done in the opposite direction with the stitches not quite going to the edges. You can also use a piece of wool cut smaller than your finished design. Tack it in place and then satin stitch over it.