BEFORE you begin your piece, you really should have the button blank you intend to use so you can make sure your design will fit on the button. The button blank we’re working with today is a 1.5″ Half Ball cover button.

The button covers do come in several sizes. This particular button has teeth on the inside of the top half. Some buttons have them and some don’t, but they all work the same way. Also, sometimes the shank will be on the part you snap into place. This has the shank on the top button, which seems to be a better idea to me. The back won’t pull off when you stitch the button down.
Here is the pink button as it was on the batik fabric, with a light pellon interfacing behind it. Circles were drawn on the pellon at 1.5″ and about 3″. Cut the fabric and paper template around the larger circle.

Next trim the pellon back to the 1.5″ circle.

Thread a needle with a strand of floss and do a running stitch about a quarter inch in from the edge, all the way around the circle. You are going to be gathering the fabric up, so you don’t want tiny stitches. Place the top of the button blank right side up, next to the under side of the stitching. Gently draw up the fabric, working the gathers to make them even.

Make sure your design is centered like you want it. Tighten the gathers. Now you are ready to add the back. Before you snap it into place be sure the button shank is pointed in the direction you want it! Because this button had teeth, it was easier to get it centered. After centering, poke the fabric onto the teeth.

Then add the back piece. It should snap into place. If your work has beads, you might want to place the stitched side down into a pillow to help cushion them from the force of setting the back into place. Once it is securely snapped into place, your button is finished!

We hope this article makes your stitching easier and more enjoyable!
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