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To Find: The Perfect Stitching Chair

I recently became a homeowner, and have since begun to discover the many joys (sarcastic and actual) of owning my own house. Cutting the lawn, battling weeds in the driveway, creaky floorboards, retrofit installations, closet engineering, picture hanging… the list goes on! One actual joy is that I now have an extra room for use as a study and stitching location, with high horizontal windows letting in lots of natural lighting and enough space and closet room for projects.

New Stitching Room!
New Stitching Room!

The problem is: I don’t know what kind of chair to get! I know it may sound silly, but I’ve never actually had that perfect, wonderful chair that most people seem to have. My grandmother had one: a wooden sliding rocker with a distinct ‘clack’ and removable tie-on cushions. My mother has been through a few club chairs, recliners, and wing-backs, and now has a wonderful buttery soft set of recliners with high-backs and big, cushy armrests. But not me! I’ve browsed and perused and just can’t seem to put my finger on the one that is just right. I’ve also troubled myself over wanting it to be too comfortable, since I tend to go into stitching comas where I won’t move or get up for hours and I know that can’t be too healthy for me. Does that mean the chair should be moderately comfortable, but not so much that I don’t get the urge to get up every once in a while? I seem to remember an episode of Better Off Ted where they designed a horribly uncomfortable office chair that ended up increasing productivity because workers wouldn’t go into day-time lulls due to the discomfort. Yikes. I don’t want to be aching my back though either. Well, hopefully you can detect my confuzzlement with such a seemingly simple acquisition. So, I turn to you, my fellow stitchers! Recliner? Club chair? Armrests? High back? Fabric? Leather? Microfiber? Cushy? Hard? Aack, too many options! Please help!

What’s your favorite stitching chair like? What do you like most about it? Recommendations?

3 thoughts on “To Find: The Perfect Stitching Chair

  1. I recently bought a new chair so I could sit comfortably at my computer desk. I think it would work well as a stitching chair, too. It has a high back, deep seat (I need this because the short seats can cut off circulation in the legs, which is bad for people who have a tendency toward or history of blood clots), and arms. My living room stitching nest is my sofa, and I have my portable Ott-lite on the back of the sofa. My needlework chart/magnetic board is on one of those decorative-but-otherwise-useless cushions that seem to come with many sofas and loveseats. My needlework stand works with either of these configurations. And then there are the times I sit at my dining room table on a dining room chair to which I’ve tied one of those cushions to make it more comfortable for long stitching sessions.

  2. I would find a chair that you can put your feet up. I have always wanted one of the chairs that looks like a nest. It is wicker and have a big soft pillow in the center.

  3. I have a recliner and that works well for me. Yes, I get stuck there for hours, but why is that a bad thing? I find that when I am stitching elsewhere, such as at the retreat, I got real backaches from having to lean forward while I am stitching. So I guess I am saying to get a chair that is most like the on you usually sit in.

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