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The Nordic Needle Nisse

We have so many friends around the world that we want to share them with you! So, we decided to create our own version of Flat Stanley called Nordic Needle Nisse. A Nisse is the Norwegian mythical creature who was responsible for watching over the farm and the family. Our Nisse would love to come visit you. All that we ask is that you take at least one photo of the Nordic Needle Nisse somewhere in your home town and with you in your stitching area or with one of your stitching projects (finished or in progress). Then email us the photos and a description. Then you would be responsible for mailing the Nisse on to the next location. We will let you see what Nordic Needle Nisse looks like soon! If you are interested in receiving more information on the Nordic Needle Nisse’s Stitching Adventure or hosting the Nisse, please send your contact information to this email.

If you are interested in receiving more information on the Nordic Needle Nisse’s Stitching Adventure or hosting the Nisse, please send your contact information to Nisse’s email.

E-mail Nisse!

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