- Mix one cup quick oats
- one stick butter (one-half cup), cut in pieces.
- Pour 1/5 cups boiling water over and stir until butter melted.
- 1.5 cups flour
- 1 t salt
- 1 t baking soda
- 2 level tsp cinnamon
In separate bowl mix:
Mix 2 slightly beaten eggs with 1 cup each brown and white sugar. Add this to the flour mixture, then to the oat mixture. Pour in greased baking pan (between brownie pan and 9 x 13 works best but can use a 9 x 13 if needed).
Bake 30 minutes in 350 oven
Bake until cake tester comes out clean (30 minutes at 5200 feet, not sure what it would be at lower elevation). Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle with brown sugar, shredded coconut. Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon overall.
This cake is great, makes up quick, and tastes great while still warm. The lemon gives it a tartness that is fabulous. The coconut is optional for people who don’t like it.