Ground Stitch (Bottensöm) (for Naversom) This is another stitch used to create the open work designs worked with a single thread. To make things very confusing, this stitch is worked with straight stitches on the back, which gives diagonal stitches on the front! The stitches are worked from right to left and from the top […]
Tag: naversom
Goose-Eye (Naversom)
Goose-Eye Stitch (gåsögon) (for Naversom) This stitch is used to produce the airy openings in the designs. It is worked over two groups of threads with a single thread. To create the open design it is always worked diagonally from left to right and from the lower edge to the upper. The stitch is done […]
Diagonal Stitch (Naversom)
Diagonal Stitch (Bjuråkersömm) (for Naversom) This stitch is a darning stitch made over two groups of threads, working on the diagonal from right to left and from the bottom to the top. It is also worked with a double thread and can be started just as the darning stitch with a loop in the end […]
Darning Stitch (Naversom)
Darning Stitch (Stoppsöm) (for Naversom) A heavier thread is used for the darning stitch, and it is doubled over. Thread your needle with the ends of the threads so there is a loop at the end of them. Make your knot by taking your needle under the fabric threads where you want to start. Then […]