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Rice stitch

Small Rice Stitch

The Small Rice stitch not only produces a nice background but will reinforce your canvas. You can work the stitch in two colors for a diamond effect. Stitch the large “X” first and then add the cross-hatches.

Rice stitch

Medium Rice Stitch

The Medium Rice stitch doesn’t cover entirely, which may allow your canvas to show through a bit. Again, work the larger “X” first and then add the cross hatches.

Rice stitch

Large Rice Stitch

The Large Rice stitch is very open and airy, almost lace-like. If you are using multiple ply threads, you will want to strip your threads before stitching so that your threads will lie nicely.

Rice stitch

Variation 1

Rice stitch

Variation 2

Rice stitch

Variation 3

Just like the rice dishes we have today, there are quite a few variations. Here are a few to get you thinking. Experiment with colors, size, and cross hatching to get the coverage and effect you want.

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