Orange Blossom Punch 2 (6 oz.) cans frozen orange juice 1 (6 oz.) can frozen lemonade 3 (6 oz. cans) water 2 (2-litre) bottles of ginger ale or champagne 1 quart orange sherbet Mix juices and water and chill. At serving time, pour into punch bowl. Add the ginger ale or champagne. Drop and float […]
Tag: beverages
Caramel Apple Cider
Caramel Apple Cider 12-oz plain or Spiced Apple Cider 1 1/2 tbsp caramel sauce whipped cream, for topping additional caramel sauce, for topping small pinch salt (optional) Heat cider on the stovetop or in the microwave until it is steaming. Pour into a large mug. Stir in caramel sauce. Top with lightly sweetened whipped cream […]
Berry Smoothie
Berry Smoothie 3 T. orange juice concentrate 3 T half-and-half or milk 10 ice cubes 1 cup fresh strawberries, hulled 1 ripe banana cut into pieces One-half cup fresh or frozen blueberries One-half cup fresh or frozen raspberries or strawberries Combine all ingredients in a blender, cover and process for 30 seconds or until smooth. […]
Harold’s Punch
Harolds Punch 2 bottles orange/raspberry juice 2 liter bottle of 7-Up Combine these two in a punch bowl. Mix together: 1 pint frozen raspberries with juice 1 small container cool whip 1 small container (same size as cool whip) raspberry sherbet Float spoon fulls of this berry mixture on top of the juice in the […]
Rhubarb Slush
Rhubarb Slush 12 cups chopped rhubarb 2 c. sugar 9 c. water 6 oz. frozen lemonade 1 pkg. sugar free raspberry or strawberry Jell-O Bring to a boil the rhubarb, sugar and water. Simmer for one-half hour. Strain the juice into a large bucket with lemonade and Jell-O. Stir to dissolve Jell-O. Freeze. Thaw slightly […]
Spring Punch
This Spring Punch recipe is a hit at graduations and receptions: Spring Punch 2 large cans frozen mixed fruit punch (thaw until slushy) 2 large cans frozen pineapple juice (thaw until slushy) 1 large can frozen lemonade (thaw until slushy) 3 qt. dry Ginger Ale Place punch, pineapple juice and lemonade in punch bowl. Add […]